Will Kellermann
International Artist | COLORIST
Will Kellermann
Exposities - Actueel
Werk in Nederland in stock en exposities bij o.a
Galerie Rijlaarsdam Nieuwkoop (www.rijlaarsdam.nl),
Gallery McSorley ‘s Graveland (www.gallerymcsorley.com),
Kunstrondje Zaltbommel – Open Ateliers – Iedere eerste zondag van de maand en op afspraak (www.kunstrondjezaltbommel.nl)
Onlinekunstenaar.nl (www.onlinekunstenaar.nl)
Will Kellermann werkte tot 1984 in Zwitserland. Daarna werkte zij in Kunstenaarsdorp Kortenhoef en verhuisde in 2019 naar Zaltbommel.
Solo expositie Museu do Traje – Sao Bras de Alportal – 10 september – 24 october 2022
Exhibition Museum do Traje Sao Bras -Algarve Portugal – Opening: 10 september 2022
Galeria Artesis in Travira Portugal
Messages from another world
Over the past years I have had a stronger feeling that our world needs new images, which I had to reveal in my Silkcolors©. This created a new line in my work. This is shown in the series “Messages from another world” and is all about Hope and Love.
These paintings were originally going to be shown for the first time at the Art Expo Amsterdam on Museumplein. Due to circumstances, this fair has been postponed and I have decided to have the premiere of my new work take place in the renowned Fine Art Gallery McSorley in ’s Graveland.
The colorful and lively works are modernly framed and fitted with high-quality plexiglass.
With this series I want to give a positive answer to overwhelming images of a world turned upside down. Donald McSorley and I invite you to join me in looking, thinking, reflecting and enjoying the exhibition.
“Messages from another world” can be seen from November 4 to December 24, 2023.
Fine Art Gallery McSorley, Zuidereinde 124, 1243 KL ’s Graveland NH, +31 (0)613786779 is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 12:00 to 18:00 and by appointment.

Gasthuisstraat 31 | 5301 CB Zaltbommel
Rua Rotery Internacional 29 | 8800-405 Tavira